The Blog is Live!

Jun 12, 2018

As of June 12, 2018, Avon's Adventure officially has a live blog!

It's totally responsive because it's 2018 and people browse the web on a lot of devices. I used Materialize CSS framework to rapid prototype the design and I have to say, I'm very happy with the experience.

Materialize provided a lot of boilerplate styling which I found tasteful and well thought out. On top of that it provided a variety of visual components such as nav bars, cards, buttons, footers, etc. And of course Materialize ships with a responsive grid system, much like that of Bootstrap or Foundation.

A little more about Materialize?

Okay, well another thing I like is how Google's Material Design (which Materialze is based on) gives apps and websites tools to uniquely brand themselves while simultaneously belonging to a larger "stylistic ecosystem". In other words it's a way to style apps and sites in such a way that they look unique, yet fit in with one another so they can be displayed harmoniously together.

From a developer point of view, I'm happy to report that Materialize is very easy to configure globally via it's _variables.scss file, and can be extended and customized with your own CSS (or SASS) with ease.

If you want to learn more about Materialize take a look at their official documentation, and if you end up using it for a project, consider supporting the developers with a monthly donation on Patreon.

- Kirk M. // saricden

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